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Hawaiʻi Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance

Mission: To work collaboratively, with public and private organizations, communities, families, businesses, and all Hawai'i's stakeholders to advocate for an early childhood system that equitably supports all Hawai'i's children and families. 

Vision: Hawai'i as a place where families thrive, and children are given their best opportunities for a strong start.

Values: As advocates, we will abide by and stand firmly on the values of Aloha Spirit; we call upon our leaders to do the same. "Aloha Spirit is the coordination of mind and heart within each person...(b)  In exercising their power on behalf of the people and in fulfillment of their responsibilities, obligations and service to the people, the legislature, governor, lieutenant governor, executive officers of each department, the chief justice, associate justices, and judges of the appellate, circuit, and district courts may contemplate and reside with the life force and give consideration to the "Aloha Spirit". [L 1986, c 202, §1]" (HRS §5-7.5)

  • Upcoming events

    Advocacy Workshop

    When: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 05:30 PM
    Where: Zoom in

    Learn about the bills and how they impact our children and families. Learn the skills of civic engagement as you increase your abilities and knowledge as an advocate.  We will practice drafting testimony, go through the legislative website and most of all share what it means to care and advocate for keiki.

    Who's attending

    Working Families Rally at the Capitol

    When: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 09:00 AM
    Where: Hawai'i State Capitol in Honolulu, HI

    Please join us as we rally together to support our working families. Advocates from all areas will be joining us to support childcare access, paid family leave, child tax credits, and so much more. It is a day to let our legislators know the reality and needs of raising a family in Hawai'i. It is more important than ever that we join together to support bills and policies that will help to make life better for our families and children. Your voice and your presence matter. Please join us as we rally in solidarity for the benefit of our children. 

  • 2025 HECAA Policy Priorities

    Preschool Open Doors Expansion Early Learning Access Bill HB692 SB712

    This bill seeks to expand access and eligibility to the Preschool Open Doors Program. To be renamed the Preschool Open Doors Hawai'i Early Learning Access Program, this bill increases the income eligibility thresholds, lowers the age of eligibility, and expands the eligible settings to include Family Child Care and Infant-Toddler Settings. If passed this bill will increase access to early learning programs and help more families to afford child care. This bill does not require an appropriation. Learn more.

    Early Learning Apprenticeship Grant Bill HB549 SB426 

    This bill seeks funding to establish an Early Learning Apprenticeship Grant Program. Early Learning Apprenticeships have been proven to be an effective method for recruiting and retaining Early Learning Professionals. It is an 'earn while you learn' approach to professional development. Only programs participating in a federally registered apprenticeship program would be eligible for grant funding. Learn more.

    Contracted Early Learning Services Bill (In discussion due to changes in the bill)

    This bill asks the legislature to require the Hawai'i Department of Human Services to implement a Contracted Early Learning Services Program.  The Early Learning Contract Program would allow licensed and regulated Infant Toddler Centers and accredited Family Child Care Centers to enter into contracts with the Department of Human Services. These contracts will help to stabilize the childcare sector by creating stable revenue streams. This bill aligns with federal recommendations for the use and implementation of contracts for childcare. This bill does not require an appropriation.  Learn more


    Download HECAA's 2025 Policy Priorities.


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  • Get Involved

    Hawai'i's young children need your voice. If we don't advocate for our young children, who will? Please join us as we work together to increase equitable access to the early learning resources and opportunities that our children deserve. Our children deserve better. Our families deserve better; and our early learning professionals deserve better. Become a member today and connect with early childhood advocates statewide and beyond. Let's work together to advance early childhood policies and get our keiki, families, and providers the resources they deserve. 

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  • Happy New Year!

    It is with excitement and gratitude that we look forward to another year. With the legislative session just days away, we know that opportunities for change are abundant. As HECAA coalition members, we know that our strength is in our numbers and that our influence comes from a place of love and respect for our Hawai'i and all those who call Hawai'i home. We ask you to take some time to get prepped for the legislative session and get ready to make our voices heard and advocate for all things early childhood. See our Advocacy Check List to get yourself primed for the session, and please join us for our monthly meetings and, if possible, our weekly check-ins. If you haven't already, visit our events tab and get signed up to stay connected. Wishing you all the best in the upcoming year. Thank you for being a part of a mission and movement to improve the lives of our young children and families.   
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